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•   Kathy Updike (West) (1972)  7/15
•   Daniel F. MacCarrick (1986)  7/8
•   Mark Wright (1974)  7/8
•   Todd Dellert (1986)  7/8
•   Shawn Murphey (Berry) (1974)  7/1
•   John L. Chase Sr. (1955)  7/1
•   Phil Cirulli (1974)  6/29
•   Natalie Stilwell (2021)  6/28
•   Deb Dawson (Dawson) (1974)  6/24
•   Steve Porter (1978)  6/8
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

12 live in Alabama
2 live in Alaska
25 live in Arizona
7 live in Arkansas
76 live in California
39 live in Colorado
21 live in Connecticut
7 live in Delaware
6 live in District Of Columbia
195 live in Florida
32 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
8 live in Illinois
8 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
2 live in Kansas
6 live in Kentucky
3 live in Louisiana
8 live in Maine
27 live in Maryland
36 live in Massachusetts
20 live in Michigan
4 live in Minnesota
4 live in Mississippi
12 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
3 live in Nebraska
6 live in Nevada
14 live in New Hampshire
21 live in New Jersey
10 live in New Mexico
2,765 live in New York
108 live in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
35 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
14 live in Oregon
59 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Puerto Rico
2 live in Rhode Island
44 live in South Carolina
4 live in South Dakota
29 live in Tennessee
61 live in Texas
13 live in Utah
8 live in Vermont
56 live in Virginia
23 live in Washington
3 live in West Virginia
4 live in Wisconsin
2 live in Wyoming
1 lives in British Columbia
5 live in Ontario
3 live in Australia
1 lives in Costa Rica
1 lives in Finland
2 live in France
2 live in Germany
1 lives in Iceland
1 lives in India
2 live in Mexico
2 live in Netherlands
3 live in Sweden
3 live in United Kingdom
3,235 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 17.7%
A:   1268   Joined
B:   5916   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to New and Official TCS Alumni Association web site for Charles O Dickerson High School. Make sure you update your profile with your complete mailing and email address to receive important mailings/emails about future class reunions.


To the TCS Class of 1974:

The Class of '74 will be celebrating their 50th class reunion on August 16-18, 2024.  If you haven't already updated your profile, do so now so that you'll be sure to receive the flyer in the mail in April with all the details.  If anyone knows where the following people are or have any information about their whereabouts, please email or call 607-387-6268.

Doug Kenerson

Debora Houghtaling

Susan Greene

Rhonda Parkerson McDonald

Robert Wright

February 25, 2024:

Traditionally, the All-School Reunion is held every four years. Due to Covid postponing the 2020 reunion to 2022, we will not be hosting one in 2024.  Once a date (year) is confirmed, we will update here.

For classes that may be holding an individual reunion, please reach out if you need any assistance with classmate contact information, announcements etc. We are here to assist!

Members of Class of 1966 will be gathering for dinner at Boatyard Grill, 525 Old Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca, NY on June 16, 2024. Classmates and significant others please arrive at 4:00 PM on the lawn for conversation and to catch up on the years. We will go inside and order from the dinner menu when they are ready for us. Gail Huhta Carman and Marie Updike will be visiting from Colorado and Alabama! Pete Calame will also be joining us from North Carolina as well as some others from hours away.

Please RSVP to Alice Grow, Gail Carman or Marie Updike, just so we have a rough idea of numbers. 

Hope you can make it Classmates!